Ten years ago, upon grasping a profound paucity in the spiritual and social resources available to today's Jewish women, Rabbi Wallerstein dared to step out of the box—and found Ohr Naava, at a time when no comparable center existed. With his legendary foresight and gumption, the center has since mushroomed into a panoptic umbrella organization, composed of numerous programs addressing the gamut of Jewish women's needs, including Ateres Naava Seminary, Bnot Chaya Academy, the Ohr Naava Shidduch Initiative, GalTime for teens, and many more.
Rabbi Wallerstein zt"l became an internationally sought-after speaker, traveling the world and inspiring men and women from all walks of life. Dubbed a "holistic doctor" thanks to his multifaceted approach to growth, struggle, and spiritual healing, on a typical day, he could be found in schools, shuls, community centers, and even mental institutions worldwide, lighting up lives—one neshamah at a time.