Over the past decade, Ohr Naava has become synonymous with impeccably-planned events.
Featuring out-of-the-box themes, top-tier programming, and exceptional attention to detail, events
by Ohr Naava have consistently delivered an astounding blend of comfort, creativity, and content.
The people behind the magic have taken it to a whole new level presenting once again: Pesach with Ohr Naava in Arizona.
Hosted by Rabbi Zechariah Wallerstein, founder of Ohr Naava, Rabbi Moshe Fuchs, Rav of Congregation Sons of Israel in
The Bronx and director of Tomchei Shabbos of Pelham Parkway, Yanky Elefant and Esther Zicherman, the program brings
together some of the frum world's most talented and experienced professionals.But the uniqueness of the program goes further: Pesach with Ohr Naava is a not-for-profit endeavor. 100 percent of proceeds will be directed to two worthy charities – Ohr Naava Women's Torah Center, and Tomchei Shabbos of Pelham Parkway – bringing light and hope to thousands of people lacking emotional or physical support.
Ohr Naava has become a defining movement in the frum world. Now, their team has rolled out the consummate Pesach: comfort, creativity, and unforgettable chinuch. Featuring a plethora of outstanding programs led by a handpicked selection of educators, Pesach with Ohr Naava 2018 promises to be a transcendent experience for parents and children, rich in spiritual and material pleasures